When In Rome....Go With The Flow

Bon Journo,

Hello everyone, I am writing from the beautiful city of Rome Italy! If you have been following along on our European excursion blog, with the wonderful postings of my classmates, you have been able to imagine through our words how wonderful of a time we have had in all of the foreign cities we have visited. With that being said, there have been many pictures, famous places, plenty of good food, and great stories absorbed by everyone on the trip; some of which I will share about our Roman experience here on day 2 in Rome(Monday May 9th).

We started our day early morning at a local newspaper company called IL Tempo, where we were welcomed and given a tour, presentation, and time to ask questions all about the local paper. It was very interesting learning the differences in a roman newspaper compared to what we are used too, and how America is covered and perceived in their newspaper(which we learned was just in Political matters). Furthermore we learned that their newspaper is facing the same challenges of that in the states, in being competitive with internet and other social media options. A picture was also taken of our entire group as we understand that we will be in an article featured in tomorrow's headlines! C-SC is traveling abroad and making headlines, no big deal!

From there our group had the opportunity to branch off in smaller groups to visit individual sites of interest throughout the city. The group I traveled with got a hearty slice of America as we visited the Hardrock Cafe for a burger lunch! From there we walked to the Rome Zoo where we had an entertaining time seeing exotic animals such as: cows, dogs, alligators, monkeys, snakes, and much more! In our journey back to the group we expereinced some good stories for the ages as we got gilato; upon buying the ice-cream-esque treat the girl that was working there grabbed a spoon and scooped up a chunk of my icecream from the cup that I was getting and that was already scooped into a bowl in my hands and ate it so fast she probably got brain freeze! In my awe, she calmly said "Yumm, you'll like it!". As shocked as I was it made for some good entertainment to talk about later on.

It was a great day! Obviously not everything always goes perfect while traveling(alot of heat, alot of walking, dogs at the zoo, and starving ice cream servers) but being abroad it all makes for a great experience! Some things that might happen that seem like imperfections at the time really add to the good expreince, and teach you to just go with the flow no matter what and make good times out of interesting situations! Hope all is well at home, and just go with the flow!!

Ciao Bellas and Bellos

Matthew "Roman Empire the 7th" Curtis